3d Augmented Reality graphics vision

Augmenting Images with Blender 3D 2.9x

augmenting KITTI image with a 3D car

Trying to demonstrate how to do data augmentation on the KITTI stereo dataset, I found myself diving (too deeply) into Blender 3D.

What I set out to do is add a 3D object to an unsuspecting image from the KITTI dataset, to show that one way to get more training data is by synthesizing. I just put a 3D object in front of an image (say a 3D plane with the image as the texture) and done ✅ – I’ve augmented the image. Turns out it needs a bit more of Blender trickery. This is the real reason for this post.


OBS Plugin for Portrait Background Removal with ONNX SINet Model


I’ve seen people request a plugin for OBS to remove background (aka Matting) from their camera input. It’s a standard in all video conferencing software today! I also was recording some screencasts with OBS with my video in the corner, and it became instantly obvious how much I need this feature in OBS… So I set out to create one.

Demo of working plugin
code ffmpeg python video

Transcribing Videos with Google Cloud Speech-to-Text

Got an hour-long video and not really into manually creating subtitles? not plans to put it on YouTube for their automated transcription services? then – try Google Cloud Speech-to-Text! In this post I’ll share some scripts for automating the process and creating an .str file to go along your video for displaying the subtitles.

graphics opencv python

Packing Better Montages than ImageMagick with Python Rect Packer

ImageMagick has a built in Montage creating tool. It’s good enough for casual montaging, but it’s definitely suboptimal for packing varying size images.

opencv programming vision

Mastering OpenCV 4 – my new book!

mastering opencv4

I’m very excited to announce the publication of my latest Mastering OpenCV book!
With many new chapters and all the others re-written practically from scratch, this edition is by far the best ever.
The excellent David Millán Escrivá and I go deep and wide across the range of capabilities of OpenCV, explaining the theory and implementing recent real-world vision tasks from the ground up.
It’s been baking for many months in the oven, rising slowly, and finally ready for consumption… yum!
The sources are free to grab:
And copies are available on
Enjoy reading!

graphics opencv programming python vision

Cylindrical Image Warping for Panorama Stitching

Just sharing a code snippet to warp images to cylindrical coordinates, in case you’re stitching panoramas in Python OpenCV…
This is an improved version from what I had in class some time ago…
It runs VERY fast. No loops involved, all matrix operations. In C++ this code would look gnarly.. Thanks Numpy!

code machine learning python

Take a SWIG out of the Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT)

Reporting on a project I worked on for the last few weeks – porting the excellent Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) to Python.
Right now it’s still a pull request:
Not exactly porting, rather I’ve simply added Python bindings to GRT that allow you to access the GRT C++ APIs from Python.
Did it using the wonderful SWIG project. Such a wondrous tool, SWIG is. Magical.
Here are the deets

code machine learning opencv programming python vision

Aligning faces with py opencv-dlib combo

This is my first trial at using Jupyter notebook to write a post, hope it makes sense.
I’ve recently taught a class on generative models:
In class we’ve manipulated face images with neural networks.
One important thing I found that helped is to align the images so the facial features overlap.
It helps the nets learn the variance in faces better, rather than waste their “representation power” on the shift between faces.
The following is some code to align face images using the excellent Dlib (python bindings) First I’m just using a standard face detector, and then using the facial fatures extractor I’m using that information for a complete alignment of the face.
After the alignment – I’m just having fun with the aligned dataset 🙂

code linux machine learning python

Build your AWS Lambda Machine Learning Function with Docker

I’ve recently made a tutorial on using Docker for machine learning purposes, and I thought also to publish it in here:
It includes videos, slides and code, with hands-on demonstrations in class.
A GitHub repo holds the code:
I made several scripts to make it easy to upload python code that performs an ML inference (“prediction”) operation on AWS Lambda.

cmake code linux machine learning programming

Cross Compile TensorFlow C++ app for the Jetson TK1

Last time I’ve posted about cross compiling TF for the TK1. That however was a canned sample example from TF, based on the bazel build system.
Let’s say we want to make our own TF C++ app and just link vs. TF for inference on the TK1.
Now that’s a huge mess.
First we need to cross-compile TF with everything built in.
Then we need protobuf cross-compiled for the TK1.
Bundle everything together, cross(-compile) our fingers and pray.
The prayer doesn’t help. But let’s see what does…