code opencv vision Website

Simple Kalman filter for tracking using OpenCV 2.2 [w/ code]

I wanted to put up a quick note on how to use Kalman Filters in OpenCV 2.2 with the C++ API, because all I could find online was using the old C API. Plus the kalman.cpp example that ships with OpenCV is kind of crappy and really doesn’t explain how to use the Kalman Filter.
I’m no expert on Kalman filters though, this is just a quick hack I got going as a test for a project. It worked, so I’m posting the results.

3d graphics opengl programming video

Augmented Reality with NyARToolkit, OpenCV & OpenGL

I have been playing around with NyARToolkit’s CPP implementation in the last week, and I got some nice results. I tried to keep it as “casual” as I could and not get into the crevices of every library, instead, I wanted to get results and fast.
First, NyARToolkit is a derivative of the wonderful ARToolkit by the talented people @ HIT Lab NZ & HIT Lab Uni of Washington. NyARToolkit however was ported to many other different platforms, like Java, C# and even Flash (Papervision3D?), and in the process making it object oriented, instead of ARToolkit procedural approach. NyARToolkit have made a great job, so I decided to build from there.
NyART don’t provide any video capturing, and no 3D rendering in their CPP implementation (they do in the other ports), so I set out to build it on my own. OpenCV is like a second language to me, so I decided to take its video grabbing mechanism wrapper for Win32. For 3D rendering I used the straightforward GLUT library which does an excellent job ridding the programmer from all the Win#@$#@ API mumbo-jumbo-CreateWindowEx crap.
So let’s dive in….

.net Networking programming Recommended Software Solutions tips Windows scripting

The proper way to run a remote process

This is the story of my journey to find a way to run a process (or a program on a remote pc)
This wasn’t an easy thing at all…
Overall, I thought, this should be an easy thing to do.
I found this C# code on a Microsoft forums

object[] theProcessToRun = { "notepad.exe" };
ConnectionOptions theConnection = new ConnectionOptions();
theConnection.Username = "username";
theConnection.Password = "password";
ManagementScope theScope = new ManagementScope("<\\\\" + IP + "\\root\\cimv2", theConnection);
ManagementClass theClass = new ManagementClass(theScope, new ManagementPath("Win32_Process"), new ObjectGetOptions());
theClass.InvokeMethod("Create", theProcessToRun);

I tried this code, not after forgetting to disable the firewall on the remote computer – a big downside but I guess if I had gone with it I’d hunt a way to stable port to unblock in the firewall.
Then I found the big downside (which can be an upside to some of you):
The remote process this way will never have a GUI window opened (In this example, a process of notepad will be opened in the background).
This can be a big advantage to system admins which want to run scripts.
Ok, back to the quest.

.net Networking programming Solutions

Scanning your entire LAN for MAC Addresses

Not too long ago, I wrote a network administration utility with specific needs.
One of the needs was to scan all the LAN pool for MAC addresses.
The code will look at your active network adapters, calculate start and end IP according to your address and netmask,
and query all the IPs within that range for their MAC address.
The code is written in C#, and it’s basically going over the whole range in a nested loop.
If you find this useful, you are welcome to use the code: