code opencv programming Recommended Software video vision

A simple object classifier with Bag-of-Words using OpenCV 2.3 [w/ code]

Just wanted to share of some code I’ve been writing.
So I wanted to create a food classifier, for a cool project down in the Media Lab called FoodCam. It’s basically a camera that people put free food under, and they can send an email alert to the entire building to come eat (by pushing a huge button marked “Dinner Bell”). Really a cool thing.
OK let’s get down to business.

Android code Java opencv programming vision

OpenCV2.1 on Android quickey with Haar object detection [w/ code]

Long time no post… MIT is kicking my ass with work. But it was amazing to come back to so many comments with people anxious to get OpenCV going mobile!
Anyway, just wanted to share my work on object detection using OpenCV2.1 on the Android.