code Java programming

Apache Tapestry 5 Progress Bar with jQuery+Bootstrap [w/code]

Just sharing a code snippet about how to implement a jQuery+Bootstrap progress bar for a background operation in Tapestry 5. There’s not a lot to it, but it took me a while and serious digging through the internet to find how to make it work. Essentially it’s based on a couple of examples and references I found:

But I simplified things because I don’t like the over-design Java can easily make you do…

graphics Java programming tips video

The woes of Frame Animation on Android [w/ code]

My adventures of getting frame animation on the Android 2.1 continue, and take a turn for the worse. Will I come up victorious in the end? Not sure…

Android code graphics Java linux Mobile phones programming Solutions

Some things I learned about Android's Frame animation

Just a quick share of lessons learned about Android’s Frame-by-Frame animations. Some of the functionality is poorly documented, as many people point out, so the web is the only place for answers. Having looked for some answers to these questions and couldn’t find any – here’s what I found out myself.
Update [2/3/11]: A new post on this topic gives a more broad view of my experience.

code Java linux programming school video Website

SmartHome – Embedded computing course project

In the past few weeks I have been working hard at a few projects for end-of-term at Uni. One of the projects is what I called “SmartHome”, for Embedded computing [link] course, is a home monitoring [link] application. In the course the students were given an LPC2148 arm7-MCU (NXP) based education board, implemented by Embedded Artists [link]. My partner Gil and I decided to work with ZigBee extension modules [link] to enable remote communication.
Here are the steps we took to bring this project to life.

3d graphics Java opengl programming video

GeekCon 2009: RunVas – Our project [w/ video, img]

runvasHi everyone
In the last weekend I attended GeekCon 2009, a tech-conference, with a friend and colleague Arnon (not Arnon from the blog, who recently had a birthday – Happy B-Day Arnon!). Each team that attended had to create a project they can complete in 2-days of the conference. Our project is called “RunVas”, and the basic idea was to let people run around and paint by doing so. We wanted to combine computer vision with a little artistic angle.
Here’s some more details

Java programming

No CLASSPATH for you!

The Path of the ClassAs a part of my work, I was asked to create a semi-simulator for JNLP (Web-Start) loader.
The intention was to get the JNLP link, get all the necessary JARS and resources, and send the main class to another process that will run it as a host.
I had no previous in
troduction with JNLP what so ever… Well, first stage: look at the file.
Looking at the file revealed a simple XML file that contained all the necessary data.
So of course, first things first – Get all the JARS. But how?

graphics programming vision

Porting Rob Hess's SIFT impl. to Java

beavers_siftThis is a Java port of Rob Hess’ implementation of SIFT that I did for a project @ work.
However, I couldn’t port the actual extraction of SIFT descriptors from images as it relies very heavily on OpenCV. So actually all that I ported to native Java is the KD-Tree features matching part, and the rest is in JNI calls to Rob’s code.
I wrote this more as a tutorial to Rob’s work, with an easy JNI interface to Java.
You can find the sources here:
Here’s how to use it:

graphics gui programming vision work

Combining Java's BufferedImage and OpenCV's IplImage

I recently did a small project combining a Java web service with a OpenCV processing. I tried to transfer the picture from Java environment (as BufferedImage) to OpenCV (IplImage) as seamlessly as possible. This proved a but tricky, especially the Java part where you need to create your own buffer for the image, but it worked out nicely.
Let me show you how I did it

3d graphics programming school

Tracing wild rays

I havn’t published in a while. I was back up with work on a project for uni., work and my writing…
But the good thing with keeping busy, is that after a while – you have something to show for! So here’s what i’ve been working on for Comp. Graphics course – A Ray Tracer.