3d code graphics gui opengl qt

WTH OpenGL 4? Rendering elements arrays with VAOs and VBOs in a QGLWidget

I spent an entire day getting OpenGL 4 to display data from a VAO with VBOs so I thought I’d share the results with you guys, save you some pain.
I’m using the excellent GL wrappers from Qt, and in particular QGLShaderProgram.
This is pretty straightforward, but the thing to remember is that OpenGL is looking for the vertices/other elements (color? tex coords?) to come from some bound GL buffer or from the host. So if your app is not working and nothing appears on screen, just make sure GL has a bound buffer and the shader locations match up and consistent (see the const int I have on the class here).

code Music programming qt Recommended Software

Touch up your sound with SoundTouch [w/code]

Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 11.55.42 AM
So I needed to speed up / slow down an audio stream I had (speech generated with Flite TTS) and naively I thought it would suffice to simply sample it at the right intervals and interpolate.
I quickly discovered that just re-sampling won’t do because changing frequency also changes pitch proportionally. And then I discovered the world of Time Scaling in audio and it’s many algorithms and approaches to change the tempo without changing pitch.
To my surprise there were a number of ready made free libraries that do it, but the first one I tried – RubberBand – did not work out, it had too many dependencies I simply couldn’t be bothered compiling it for the Mac. But SoundTouch, well it had a Homebrew formula so it won by default.
I wrote a little simple wrapper around it, that interfaces nicely with Qt.
Let’s see what’s going on there

3d code graphics gui opencv programming qt vision

Moving to Qt on the SfM-Toy-Library project

Qt GUI for SfMToyLibFor those of you still interested, I’ve made the move to using Qt and QGLViewer in the SfM-Toy-Lib project. Getting rid of PCL dependency (I think it’s a bloated library), and burying FLTK long in the past, I feel much better about it now.
Get it on github:

code programming qt

CMake build for QExtSerialPort for all those lonely cross-platform Qt4 projects

rect6492So QSerialPort only became part of Qt core on Qt5.1, but what should all those Qt4 projects do for an easy serial port access?
There is the excellent QExtSerialPort project, but it only has a QMake build system, and I like CMake!
Not to worry, a CMake build is easy to set up…

gui linux programming qt Uncategorized video

Qt & OpenCV combined for face detecting QWidgets

As my search for the best platform to roll-out my new face detection concept continues, I decided to give ol’ Qt framework a go.
I like Qt. It’s cross-platform, a clear a nice API, straightforward, and remindes me somewhat of Apple’s Cocoa.
My intention is to get some serious face detection going on mobile devices. So that means either the iPhone, which so far did a crummy job performance-wise, or some other mobile device, preferably linux-based.
This led me to the decision to go with Qt. I believe you can get it to work on any linux-ish platform (limo, moblin, android), and since Nokia baught Trolltech – it’s gonna work on Nokia phones soon, awesome!
Lets get to the details, shall we?

ffmpeg graphics gui linux programming qt video

Showing video with Qt toolbox and ffmpeg libraries

I recently had to build a demo client that shows short video messages for Ubuntu environment.
After checking out GTK+ I decided to go with the more natively OOP Qt toolbox (GTKmm didn’t look right to me), and I think i made the right choice.
So anyway, I have my video files encoded in some unknown format and I need my program to show them in a some widget. I went around looking for an exiting example, but i couldn’t find anything concrete, except for a good tip here that led me here for an example of using ffmpeg’s libavformat and libavcodec, but no end-to-end example including the Qt code.
The ffmpeg example was simple enough to just copy-paste into my project, but the whole painting over the widget’s canvas was not covered. Turns out painting video is not as simple as overriding paintEvent()…
Firstly, you need a separate thread for grabbing frames from the video file, because you won’t let the GUI event thread do that.
That makes sense, but when the frame-grabbing thread (I called VideoThread) actually grabbed a frame and inserted it somewhere in the memory, I needed to tell the GUI thread to take that buffered pixels and paint them over the widget’s canvas.
This is the moment where I praise Qt’s excellent Signals/Slots mechanism. So I’ll have my VideoThread emit a signal notifying some external entity that a new frame is in the buffer.
Here’s a little code: