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Some things I learned about Android's Frame animation

Just a quick share of lessons learned about Android’s Frame-by-Frame animations. Some of the functionality is poorly documented, as many people point out, so the web is the only place for answers. Having looked for some answers to these questions and couldn’t find any – here’s what I found out myself.
Update [2/3/11]: A new post on this topic gives a more broad view of my experience.

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10 lines-of-code OCR HTTP service with Python, Tesseract and Tornado

I believe that every builder-hacker should have their own little Swiss-army-knife server that just does everything they need, but as a webservice. You can basically do anything as a service nowadays: image/audio/video manipulation, mock-cloud data storage, offload heavy computation, and so on.
Tornado, the lightweight Python webserver is perfect for this, and since so many of the projects these days have Python binding (see python-tesseract), it should be a breeze to integrate them with minimal work.
Let’s see how it’s done

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Hand gesture recognition via model fitting in energy minimization w/OpenCV

hands with model fittedHi
Just wanted to share a thing I made – a simple 2D hand pose estimator, using a skeleton model fitting. Basically there has been a crap load of work on hand pose estimation, but I was inspired by this ancient work. The problem is setting out to find a good solution, and everything is very hard to understand and implement. In such cases I like to be inspired by a method, and just set out with my own implementation. This way, I understand whats going on, simplify it, and share it with you!
Anyway, let’s get down to business.
Edit (6/5/2014): Also see some of my other work on hand gesture recognition using smart contours and particle filters

Android code Java Mobile phones programming tips

Reading contacts in Android 2.0+

On one of my Android apps, I added a trivial option to select a contact from the phone’s contact list. This was working fine until SDK version 5, which changed the way the contacts are represented in the phone’s SQLite database. It is using the “newer” class called ContactsContract instead of the deprecated People class

I have spent quite time in order to figure out which was the best way that will fit my needs. If you are in the same position, feel free to use the code below

My example below is will display a two row list of all the contacts, with alphabetical indexing. It is a mixture of code snippets I have found on the net, while may not be optimized; it will definitely give you the hang of things.

3d code graphics opencv programming vision

Kinect and OpenCV 2.1

Another quicky on how to use Kinect (libfreenect) with OpenCV 2.1. I already saw people do it, but havn’t seen code.
UPDATE (12/29): OpenKinect posted very good C++ code of using libfreenect with OpenCV2.X APIs: here it is. Plus, their git repo now has a very clean C code: here it is.
So here it goes

3d code graphics opencv opengl programming video vision

20-lines AR in OpenCV [w/code]

Just wanted to share a bit of code using OpenCV’s camera extrinsic parameters recovery, camera position and rotation – solvePnP (or it’s C counterpart cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2). I wanted to get a simple planar object surface recovery for augmented reality, but without using any of the AR libraries, rather dig into some OpenCV and OpenGL code.
This can serve as a primer, or tutorial on how to use OpenCV with OpenGL for AR.
Update 2/16/2015: I wrote another post on OpenCV-OpenGL AR, this time using the fine QGLViewer – a very convenient Qt OpenGL widget.
The program is just a straightforward optical flow based tracking, fed manually with four points which are the planar object’s corners, and solving camera-pose every frame. Plain vanilla AR.
Well the whole cpp file is ~350 lines, but there will only be 20 or less interesting lines… Actually much less. Let’s see what’s up

Android code Java opencv programming vision

OpenCV2.1 on Android quickey with Haar object detection [w/ code]

Long time no post… MIT is kicking my ass with work. But it was amazing to come back to so many comments with people anxious to get OpenCV going mobile!
Anyway, just wanted to share my work on object detection using OpenCV2.1 on the Android.

code graphics gui opencv programming tips

Combining OpenCV 2.x and Microsoft WPF [w/ code]

Just a quicky about OpenCV and Windows Presentation Framework interoperability. It’s really easy with a simple Managed C++ wrapper. What I’ll show is how to transfer an OpenCV cv::Mat into WPF’s BitmapSource. Let’s see how it’s done.

code graphics gui opencv programming Recommended school vision Website

Image Recoloring using Gaussian Mixture Model and Expectation Maximization [OpenCV, w/Code]

I’ll present a quick and simple implementation of image recoloring, in fact more like color transfer between images, using OpenCV in C++ environment. The basis of the algorithm is learning the source color distribution with a GMM using EM, and then applying changes to the target color distribution. It’s fairly easy to implement with OpenCV, as all the “tools” are built in.
I was inspired by Lior Shapira’s work that was presented in Eurographics 09 about image appearance manipulation, and a work about recoloring for the colorblind by Huang et al presented at ICASSP 09. Both works deal with color manipulation using Gaussian Mixture Models.
Update 5/28/2015: Adrien contributed code that works with OpenCV v3! Thanks!
Let’s see how it’s done!

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Iterative Closest Point (ICP) for 2D curves with OpenCV [w/ code]

ICP – Iterative closest point, is a very trivial algorithm for matching object templates to noisy data. It’s also super easy to program, so it’s good material for a tutorial. The goal is to take a known set of points (usually defining a curve or object exterior) and register it, as good as possible, to a set of other points, usually a larger and noisy set in which we would like to find the object. The basic algorithm is described very briefly in wikipedia, but there are a ton of papers on the subject.
I’ll take you through the steps of programming it with OpenCV.