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Structure from Motion and 3D reconstruction on the easy in OpenCV 2.3+ [w/ code]

Hello This time I’ll discuss a basic implementation of a Structure from Motion method, following the steps Hartley and Zisserman show in “The Bible” book: “Multiple View Geometry”. I will show how simply their linear method can be implemented in OpenCV. I treat this as a kind of tutorial, or a toy example, of how […]

3d code graphics opencv programming school vision

Simple triangulation with OpenCV from Harley & Zisserman [w/ code]

Easily using OpenCV 2.3+ to triangulate points from known camera matrices and point sets.

3d code graphics gui opencv opengl programming school video vision

Spherical harmonics face relighting using OpenCV, OpenGL [w/ code]

Implementing a face image relighting algorithm using spherical harmonics, based on a paper written by Wang et al (2007).

code graphics opencv programming

Just a simple Laplacian pyramid blender using OpenCV [w/code]

I want to share a small piece of code to do Laplacian Blending using OpenCV. It’s one of the most basic and canonical methods of image blending, and is a must exercise for any computer graphics student.

code opencv programming Recommended Software video vision

A simple object classifier with Bag-of-Words using OpenCV 2.3 [w/ code]

A simple object classifier with Bag-of-Words using OpenCV 2.3

code opencv vision Website

Simple Kalman filter for tracking using OpenCV 2.2 [w/ code]

Hi, I wanted to put up a quick note on how to use Kalman Filters in OpenCV 2.2 with the C++ API, because all I could find online was using the old C API. Plus the kalman.cpp example that ships with OpenCV is kind of crappy and really doesn’t explain how to use the Kalman […]

3d code graphics opencv programming video vision

Neat OpenCV smoothing trick when Kineacking (Kinect Hacking) [w/ code]

I found a nice little trick to ease the work with the very noisy depth image the Kinect is giving out. The image is filled with these “blank” values that basically note where the data is unreadable. The secret is to use inpainting to cover these areas and get a cleaner image. And as always, […]

code graphics opencv programming Recommended video vision Website work

Hand gesture recognition via model fitting in energy minimization w/OpenCV

Hi Just wanted to share a thing I made – a simple 2D hand pose estimator, using a skeleton model fitting. Basically there has been a crap load of work on hand pose estimation, but I was inspired by this ancient work. The problem is setting out to find a good solution, and everything is […]

3d code graphics opencv programming vision

Kinect and OpenCV 2.1

Hi Another quicky on how to use Kinect (libfreenect) with OpenCV 2.1. I already saw people do it, but havn’t seen code. UPDATE (12/29): OpenKinect posted very good C++ code of using libfreenect with OpenCV2.X APIs: here it is. Plus, their git repo now has a very clean C code: here it is. So here […]

3d code graphics opencv opengl programming video vision

20-lines AR in OpenCV [w/code]

Hi, Just wanted to share a bit of code using OpenCV’s camera extrinsic parameters recovery, camera position and rotation – solvePnP (or it’s C counterpart cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2). I wanted to get a simple planar object surface recovery for augmented reality, but without using any of the AR libraries, rather dig into some OpenCV and OpenGL code. […]